AAVALABS ist ein finnisches Familienunternehmen, das von Natur aus nordisch ist.
AAVA ist ein finnisches Wort, das seit Jahrhunderten eine besondere Bedeutung für diejenigen hat, die natürliche Reinheit und atemberaubende Schönheit lieben. Es gibt keine direkte Übersetzung ins Englische, aber AAVA ist das Gefühl von Freiheit und Frische, das du beim Blick auf eine weite Landschaft mit unberührter Natur erlebst.
Wir verkörpern den Geist der AAVA in all unseren Produkten und Entscheidungen und nehmen das Wohlergehen derjenigen, die natürliche, biologische Produkte genießen wollen, genauso ernst wie unser eigenes.

AAVALABS wurde 2011 in Helsinki, Finnland, von Otso Kääriäinen mit der Vision gegründet, reine, wirksame Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu entwickeln, die einen geschäftigen Lebensstil ergänzen. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass AAVALABS von einem kleinen Familienunternehmen zu einem internationalen Team gewachsen ist.
Auch unsere Produktpalette ist gewachsen und wir legen nun einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf vegane Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Die drei Grundwerte unseres Unternehmens sind jedoch dieselben geblieben und bilden weiterhin die Grundlage für alles, was wir tun. Wir stehen für Ehrlichkeit, einen natürlichen Lebensstil und dafür, Menschen in Not zu helfen.

Wir wollen Menschen in ihrem Alltag und beim Erreichen ihrer Ziele unterstützen. Wenn du etwas Positives für deine Gesundheit und dein Wohlbefinden tun willst - wir haben ein Produkt für dich entwickelt.
Letztendlich ist es unsere Mission, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt dabei zu helfen, gesünder zu werden - mit Hilfe unseres nordischen Geistes. Das erreichen wir mit unseren frischen, hochreinen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, die in Europa hergestellt werden und immer 100% GVO-frei sind. Entscheide dich für AAVALABS, um die natürliche Reinheit wiederzuentdecken und ein glücklicheres und gesünderes Leben zu beginnen!
AAVALABS ist ein Unternehmen, das zu 100 % remote arbeitet. Unsere Teammitglieder können ihren Arbeitsort frei wählen und wir arbeiten derzeit in über 10 verschiedenen Ländern. Daher sprechen wir auch viele Sprachen - Finnisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Japanisch und Russisch - um nur einige zu nennen. Unserem Remote-Working sind keine Grenzen gesetzt, und unser Dreamteam hat schon in einer verschneiten Blockhütte in Lappland, im Herzen von Kapstadt und in den Bergen von La Paz, Bolivien, gearbeitet. Wir sind es gewohnt, dass unser mobiles Büro funktioniert, egal wo wir uns auf der Welt befinden. Für uns bedeutet Remote-Working nicht nur Ortsunabhängigkeit, sondern auch Freiheit in anderen Bereichen des Lebens. Im Kern sind wir Freigeister, die sich nicht gerne in Schubladen stecken lassen - vereint durch die Lust am Reisen, einen aktiven Lebensstil und das Streben nach Gesundheit.
Unser Motto: Die Welt ist unser Zuhause.

I live and grew up in Finland. Ever since I was little, I love to spend my free time outdoors. You can find my passion for nature and purity in ever single product of AAVALABS. Apart from that, I love to run, do yoga, and crossfit.

HR Director
I'm Carlota from Madrid—a nature enthusiast, perpetual learner, always eager to try something new. I strongly advocate for remote work, believing in its potential to transform our work-life balance and increase productivity.

I’m Tommi from Helsinki. I have a passion for leveraging technology to solve complex problems and I am always on the lookout for innovative and efficient ways to collaborate with my team. The serene beauty of Finnish nature, particularly the archipelago, has always been my sanctuary, a place where I find peace and happiness.

Head of Operations
Hi, I'm Serena, I'm italian and I am an Head of Operations at AAVALABS. I love travelling, eating good food in good company and doing pilates.

Logistics Coordinator
Hi my name is Denis and I am based out of Sofia, Bulgaria. I love travelling, playing and watching sports.

QA, QC & Regulations Specialist
Nigerian born but raised in the UK, I specialise in regulatory and quality ensuring products launch successfully into the market. Outside of that, I love photography, sport, computers and music.

Customer Happiness
After some years living abroad between Ireland and The Netherlands, I’m back to my hometown in Italy. Things that I love? Dogs, gardening, cooking & eating!

Ecommerce CX & Business Development Manager
Born in Berlin, raised in Amsterdam; I speak Dutch, German and English. I'm passionate about traveling, experiencing the world and photography. My favorite things in life are: good food, good people and good music.

Social Media Manager
Heyy! I'm Ronja, born and raised in Finland. I currently live in Helsinki but am a citizen of the world. I love traveling, learning about cultures, trying traditional dishes, and experiencing new things. I fell in love with photography during my travels and fast forward a couple of years, I began my social media journey. What else to mention? My life motto is "making the world brighter with a smile" so I hope your day got a bit brighter ♡

Head of Digital Marketing & Community
I am usually based in Madrid, but I am travelling frequently. With international roots, I speak Spanish, German, English, French and Italian. Beyond language, my interests are diverse; I have a passion for abstract and surrealism painting and drawing, a love for cats and a fondness for cooking.

Amazon Coordinator
Hi, I'm Gabrielle, Amazon Coordinator at AAVALABS. Based in the Philippines, I love working out but I love food as much. My enthusiasm to mission-driven companies led me to working here cause sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.

Graphic Designer
I am Elena from Macedonia and I am a Graphic Designer. I am deeply in love with the mountains and mountain sports like rock climbing, trail running, snowboarding and cycling, I am also vegetarian and a mom of girls.

Finance Coordinator
Hello there! I'm Fatimah from Malaysia. I enjoy travelling, learning about different cultures and trying varieties of food. When I have nothing much to do, I love watching movies with my children.

Amazon Store Manager
Hi, I'm Marina, Amazon Country Manager at AAVALABS. Born by the sea (Italy), I love to travel and spend time in the nature. Currently living in Spain, I'm passionate about arts, classical literature, museums and good food.

Head of Amazon
I am the Head of Amazon, a strategic thinker and a strong believer that great companies are made by great teams. I enjoy discovering new things and places, likes long walks in the mountains and by the sea.

Admin Support
I am an Indonesian cat lover who enjoy Listening to music and playing gitar. Currently working from my home in Jakarta, Indonesia. I love exploring Excel formulas and functions which makes composing reports my thing.

Admin Officer
Hi, I am Shirin. I was born and raised in London and after living and working in several different countries I am now based in Helsinki. I love singing, learning new things (the older I get the more I want to know), bird watching, hiking and traveling.

PPC Manager
Hi, my name is Daniil and I'm an Amazon PPC Specialist at AAVALABS. Currently, I'm based in Belgrade, Serbia. I'm in love with music and collecting merch of my favorite music bands. Some other hobbies of mine are sim-racing, traveling, long-distance walks, hair coloring, and roller-skating

Product Development Manager
Hi! I’m Mariana from Costa Rica, now based in Germany. As a food engineer, I’m a total foodie! I love water—swimming, chasing waterfalls, and snorkeling. You’ll often find me with a book, on my yoga mat, or developing new wellness products :)

Amazon Store Manager
Hi, I'm Carmela, Amazon Country Manager from the Philippines. A mom of two and a certified dog lover. I am passionate about learning different cultures and languages. An avid matchbox collector and music lover.

Content Manager
From Germany but living in Barcelona. I am a creative writer and love to create unique content. Passionate about activities that let me connect with nature and life: surfing, yoga, hiking, travelling.

Operations Coordinator
Hi there! I'm Anita, the Operations Coordinator at Aavalabs. I'm a passionate traveler and gamer from Hungary, currently residing in Georgia. I love exploring new places and learning about various cultures.

Data Analyst
Born and raised a Filipina, I love exploring beautiful beaches within the country whenever I get days off my numbers & spreadsheets. Apart from that, I enjoy going to different coffee shops, visiting local museums and trying out restaurants.

PPC Manager
Hey there! I'm from Ukraine, but now based in Helsinki. I strongly believe that we have the power to make the world a better place through our daily choices. Outside of work, I enjoy painting, social dancing, and taking long walks near the sea.

NPD Coordinator
Hi there! I’m Greta. Besides working with data and people, I love everything about food and nutrition. Sustainability is very close to my heart, though I can't help taking a flight every now and then (beach pleaseee). What else? Books, sports, cameras, DIY.. the usual!

Catstomer Support
They put me here because they needed to fill a gap in the website design. But I am present in the spirit of the AAVALABS team. Everyone loves me in the team! Actually everyone loves me in the world because I am a cat!