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Sale price€ 17.99 Regular price€ 19.99

Discover the power of AAVALABS’ Magnesium Citrate, a potent source of 100% pure Magnesium. Formulated for optimal absorption by your body, making it an ideal choice for an active lifestyle.

  • Benefits for Your Health: Magnesium Citrate supports healthy muscle and bone function. It provides you with energy evenly throughout the day, contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. 
  • Key Components: 2231.25 mg of Magnesium per daily dose, of which 357mg is elemental magnesium.
  • Strength in Every Capsule: A highly bioavailable form of Magnesium, supporting healthy muscles and bones.
  • Supply: One bottle contains 180 capsules.

Opt for an active lifestyle and health-conscious routine by making magnesium citrate your choice to support your well-being.

High Absorption Magnesium Citrate with 180 capsules
MAGNESIUM CITRATE Sale price€ 17.99 Regular price€ 19.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 116 reviews
Marc A.c.J.D.

Super Produkte, schnelle Lieferung. War nicht die erste und nicht die letzte Bestellung.

Astrid E.
Magnesium citrate

Prendo questo prodotto già da oltre un anno, nel frattempo lo sta prendendo anche mio marito, siamo molto soddisfatti. Apprezzo anche il servizio professionale di Avaa Labs e la consegna rapida e affidabile degli ordini. Buon rapporto qualità prezzo. Tutto assolutamente consigliabile. Continuate così. Grazie

Carla P.

Da mesi uso questo prodotto e ne ho avuto benefici a livello di energie e soorattuttk di qualità del sonno

excellent product

easy on the digestive system, does what product description says it does. All in all I find it to be a helpful supplement.

Hans N.
AVA Labs, immer wieder gut

Ich bestelle schon seit Jahren bei AVA Labs und bin mir sicher dass ich hier gute Produkte erhalte von denen ich sagen kann das sie qualitativ sehr hochwertig sind. Egal was, der Hersteller steht hinter seiner Produktion und ist ein Garant für die beste Qualität. Für mich ist AVA Labs mein Lieferant Nr. 1