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Shipping Policy

Quando ordini prodotti su aavalabs.com, i prezzi per la spedizione variano in base alla tua località, al valore dell'ordine e all'opzione di consegna. Offriamo la spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a 50€ per alcuni paesi dell'UE.

Se la destinazione della spedizione è al di fuori dell'UE o delle Isole Canarie, all'arrivo del pacco potrebbero essere applicati ulteriori costi doganali, pedaggi o dazi a carico del cliente.

Di seguito puoi vedere i nostri costi di spedizione in base alla tua località, al valore dell'ordine, ai tempi di consegna normali* e all'opzione di spedizione scelta:

*I tempi di consegna potrebbero essere leggermente più lunghi nei giorni festivi e nei periodi di maggiore attività (come Natale, Black Friday, ecc.).

Seleziona il tuo paese di spedizione per conoscere le tariffe:


Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

  • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Gratuito
  • DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): Gratuito
  • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Gratuito

Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.49
  • DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): €0.99
  • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99

Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): €1.29
  • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €3.99

SPAGNA (eccetto Balear, Isole Canarie, Ceuta e Melilla)

Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
  • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.59
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
  • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €2.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
  • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): Gratuito
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

  • DHL(Delivery:5-7 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

  • DHL(Delivery:5-7 Business Days): €8.99
  • DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

  • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.49
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.49
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

  • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €1.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

  • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
  • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
  • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €5.99
  • DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


VValore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up
  • DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €5.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
  • DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €8.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €17.99
Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
  • DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €15.99
  • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €19.99


    Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

    • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Gratuito
    • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €0.99
    • DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

    • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
    • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.49
    • DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

    • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
    • GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €2.99
    • DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €10.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99

    PORTOGALLO (eccetto Madeira e le Azzorre)

    Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

    • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
    • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
    • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

    • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
    • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
    • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

    • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
    • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
    • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


    Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99

    Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

    • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up
      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Gratuito
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): Gratuito
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): €0.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): €1.49


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99

      *Consegna presso il punto di ritiro più vicino (no consegna a domicilio).


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): 0.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): 1.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Gratuito
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99

      *Consegna presso il punto di ritiro più vicino (no consegna a domicilio).


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €0.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
      • *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.49
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99

      *Consegna presso il punto di ritiro più vicino (no consegna a domicilio).


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Gratuito
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €0.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €2.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €0.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.49
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.49
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.99
      • *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.99
      • *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €2.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €3.99
      • *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €4.99
      • *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99

      *Consegna presso il punto di ritiro più vicino (no consegna a domicilio).


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €7.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.49
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €7.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Gratuito
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99

      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up

      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
      • DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €7.99
      • DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99


      Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
      • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €14.99
      Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
      • DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99


        Valore dell'ordine: €50.00 and up
        • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €9.99
        Valore dell'ordine: €25 - €49.99
        • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
        Valore dell'ordine: €0.01 - €24.99
        • DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €13.99