Wenn du Produkte auf bestellst, variieren die Preise für den Versand je nach deinem Standort, deinem Bestellwert und der Lieferoption. Für ausgewählte EU-Länder bieten wir einen kostenlosen Versand für Bestellungen über 50€ an.
Wenn das Versandziel außerhalb der EU oder der Kanarischen Inseln liegt, können bei der Ankunft des Pakets zusätzliche Zollgebühren, Mautgebühren oder Zölle anfallen, die der Kunde zu tragen hat.
Unten siehst du unsere Lieferkosten, die von deinem Standort, dem Wert der Bestellung, der normalen Lieferzeit* und der gewählten Versandoption abhängen:
*Die Lieferzeit kann sich an Feiertagen und in Zeiten größerer Aktivität (wie Weihnachten, Black Friday, etc.) etwas verlängern.
Wähle dein Versandland aus:
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Kostenlos
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.49
- DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): €0.99
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 1-3 Business Days): €1.29
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €3.99
SPANIEN (außer Balearen, Kanarische Inseln, Ceuta und Melilla)
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.59
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €8.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.49
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.49
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up- DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
- DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €8.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €17.99
- DHL Express by Road (Delivery: 6-9 business days): €15.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €19.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €0.99
- DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.49
- DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €10.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
PORTUGAL (außer Madeira und Azoren)
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): €0.99
- DPD (Delivery: 1-2 Business Days): €1.49
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.49
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €9.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
*Lieferung an die nächstgelegene Abholstelle (keine Hauszustellung).
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): 0.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): 1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €3.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
*Lieferung an die nächstgelegene Abholstelle (keine Hauszustellung).
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €0.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €1.49
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 3-6 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
*Lieferung an die nächstgelegene Abholstelle (keine Hauszustellung).
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €0.99
- DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €0.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
- DPD (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL (Delivery: 2-4 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €0.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €1.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.49
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €3.99
- GLS (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.49
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.99
- *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €0.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €1.99
- *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €2.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- *GLS (Delivery: 4-8 Business Days): €3.99
- *DPD (Delivery: 3-5 Business Days): €4.99
- *DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
*Lieferung an die nächstgelegene Abholstelle (keine Hauszustellung).
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €7.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.49
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €7.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €2.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): Kostenlos
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
Bestellwert: €25 - €49.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €4.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €6.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
Bestellwert: €0.01 - €24.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €4.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €2.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €3.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €5.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
- GLS (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €5.99
- DPD (Delivery: 4-6 Business Days): €7.99
- DHL (Delivery: 5-7 Business Days): €12.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €8.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €12.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €14.99
- DHLExpress (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €16.99
Bestellwert: €50.00 and up- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €9.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €10.99
- DHL Express (Delivery: 2-3 Business Days): €13.99