Everything you should know about minerals
Did you know that vitamins don't work properly without minerals? Yes, minerals are essential for the activation of vitamins. Our body functions properly only when vitamins and minerals are taken in sufficient amounts and balanced ratios, cooperating with each other.
Nevertheless, many people make the mistake of focusing only on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in their eating habits. Minerals are often forgotten. Since minerals are not a direct source of energy, their importance is frequently overlooked in our diets. Yet, their presence in the human body is essential!
So that this mistake does not happen to you, we provide you in this article with all the facts about minerals that you should know!
First of All, What Are Minerals?
Quite sure we have all heard and read about minerals. Yet few people know exactly what minerals are and what functions they have in the body.
Minerals are vital nutrients for survival. They keep your body functioning at its best. They are essential for regulating enzymes and hormones. However, our bodies are unable to produce minerals on their own, which is why they must be ingested through food.
These are some functions that essential minerals perform in our bodies:
- Regulation of the water balance
- Maintenance of energy and cellular metabolism
- Function of nerves, muscles, and enzymes
- Thyroid function
- Development of teeth and bones
- Blood formation
- Maintenance of cell pressure
There Is a Difference Between Minerals and Trace Elements
The difference lies in the amount that the body needs from these substances. The body requires about 50 mg of minerals per 1 kg of body weight. These include essential minerals like iron, fluorine, iodine, selenium, and zinc. The body needs even smaller amounts of trace elements, such as manganese, nickel, and silicon.
4 Particularly Important Essential Minerals for Health
The body needs particularly large amounts of four minerals: zinc, magnesium, calcium, and sodium.
According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, zinc is considered one of the most important essential minerals for health. Even though the human body needs only small amounts of zinc, it plays a crucial role in the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, a good supply of zinc positively impacts the immune system. It has an antiviral effect and improves the structure of the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is more difficult for bacteria and viruses to penetrate the immune system.
In case of a weakened immune system, it is advisable to check the zinc content in the body. Zinc is also beneficial for improving concentration, contributing to normal cognitive function.
Magnesium promotes the interaction of muscles and nerves. It supports normal muscle function as well as psychological function. It is not without reason that athletes, in particular, ensure they consume enough magnesium to support muscle regeneration after training. A great additional effect of magnesium is the reduction of exhaustion and fatigue.
Our bones and teeth are made up of calcium. Calcium also affects nerves and blood pressure. It is found mainly in dairy products, broccoli, nuts, and blackcurrants.
Sodium is important for the water balance in the body. However, due to salty convenience foods, people nowadays consume up to ten times more sodium than they actually need. Fresh food and a healthy diet can help prevent sodium overdose.
How to Prevent Mineral Deficiency
Mineral deficiencies should not be taken lightly. The various essential minerals all have specific tasks in the human body. When a deficiency occurs, many bodily functions can't be properly carried out.
How Can Minerals Be Taken?
To ensure sufficient intake of essential minerals daily, it is important to eat healthy and varied foods. Minerals are found in both plant foods (fruits, vegetables) and animal foods (meat, fish). It is also recommended to take minerals, trace elements, and vitamins together, as many minerals and vitamins work synergistically.
As the name suggests, mineral water also contains essential minerals. The minerals enter the water through the various layers of rock that the water passes through before reaching the source. As a result, every mineral water or spring has a different mineral composition. Therefore, when buying mineral water, pay attention to the amount of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and hydrogen carbonate.
Minerals Are Essential for Life
Unfortunately, the necessity of essential minerals often becomes clear only when a mineral deficiency occurs. Depending on age, physical activity, gender, and health status, the need for minerals varies from person to person.
Being healthy is a high priority for all of us! To avoid mineral deficiency, natural mineral supplements can be taken. They can help create a proper balance. Aavalabs has created a natural mineral supplement called Fullnesium, which contains five different types of magnesium. By taking 2 capsules daily, it supports normal muscle function and energy metabolism, and can also reduce fatigue.
Want to do something good for your skin, hair, and nails while ensuring your body has enough essential minerals like zinc and selenium? Discover the Beauty+ formula from Aavalabs, rich in selenium, biotin, and zinc.
A healthy diet involves much more than controlling fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Vitamin and mineral intake must also be considered to ensure the optimal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. But with a little more attention to what you're eating each day, it'll be a breeze!
Speaking of which, have you drunk enough mineral water today?