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How to boost your metabolism – 6 easy tips

February 10, 2022 5 min read

How to boost your metabolism – 6 easy tips

To what type of person do you belong? To those who lose weight impressively fast or those who struggle on the scale?

The reason for this is often the metabolism. The metabolism is often equated with digestion. However, this is not correct! Digestion is only a preliminary stage of the metabolic processes. 

There is also not only one metabolism, but many different ones: among others, sugar metabolism, protein metabolism and fat metabolism, which deals with fat cells.

But how to boost the metabolism?

With the help of certain vitamins & habits, boosting metabolism is easy!

Learn how to do it now!

First of all, what exactly is metabolism?

Strictly speaking, metabolism refers to all the biochemical processes that take place in our cells, such as breaking down nutrients from food, providing energy when the body needs it, or transporting waste products out of the organism. To do this, the body uses both nutrients that we feed it and reserves that have already been created. 

The body needs a certain amount of energy every day to maintain all its functions. This amount is also called "basal metabolic rate". If we supply the body with more energy in the form of food than it currently needs, this energy is stored. This happens, for example, in the muscles or in subcutaneous fat tissue. The body draws on this stored energy and breaks it down, for example when we exercise or do physical work, or when we eat a low-carbohydrate diet. If this energy is not broken down, it causes us to gain weight.

Hormones and enzymes are important for the metabolic process, as it is controlled by the endocrine and nervous systems. The most important metabolic organ is the liver. However, sometimes the metabolism is too slow and does not work properly. Sometimes the reason is hypothyroidism.

Why boost the metabolism?

A well-functioning metabolism means that our body works as efficiently as possible with the materials it receives. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food are utilized optimally. This means that fat burning is equally stimulated. An activated metabolism is therefore a good basis for losing weight, but also for a healthy lifestyle in general. The "better" your metabolism is, the more energy you have. People with a "good" metabolism are good feed converters. In addition, with a good metabolism it is easier to lose weight and keep it off.

How to boost your metabolism

 1. Take enough magnesium

Magnesium belongs to the so-called "essential substances" - they are vital but cannot be produced by the body itself. Magnesium is an important enzyme component and is therefore involved in hundreds of metabolic processes.

2. Drink enough water

With water you support your digestion and increase your basal metabolic rate. Drinking water can stimulate your metabolism. Cold water is even more effective for metabolic stimulation because the body has to expend more energy to heat it to body temperature. People who drink water instead of sugary drinks automatically consume fewer calories and are more likely to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. If you drink water about half an hour before eating, you also eat less because you feel fuller.

3. Watch your omega-3 household

Omega-3 boosts your metabolism. The healthy fats provide energy to the mitochondria (the powerhouse of every cell), which in turn results in a faster and more efficient metabolism. Few people pay attention to eating fish 3 times a day. It is easier to take one of our high-quality  fish oil capsules every day, and thus ensure sufficient omega-3 to take.

4. Eat spicy & high protein

Food can boost metabolism for a few hours. This effect is called TEF, Thermic Effect of Food, and refers to the extra energy the body has to expend to digest and process the nutrients in a meal. Protein requires the most energy from the body. By eating a high-protein meal, you can boost your metabolism by 15 to 30 percent. Proteins are generally recommended during a weight loss phase because they are satiating and counteract the loss of muscle mass.

Carbohydrates have a low nutrient density and stimulate the metabolism by only five to ten percent, and fat by only zero to three percent.

Spicing up your food is even better for your metabolism: hot foods like chili peppers contain capsaicin and are true fat burners. This alkaloid causes a heat or heat stimulus in the body and thus stimulates the metabolism.

5. Do not forget the B vitamins

Vitamin B is a whole group of vital substances that are essential for our nerves, brain, muscles, but also for our metabolism. Here, special focus is placed on vitamin B6, which helps the body to produce the amino acid L-carnitine. This in turn is necessary to convert fat into energy. Vitamin B6 thus indirectly boosts fat burning and helps to get rid of love handles.

6. Exercise regularly

With increasing musculature, the basal metabolic rate and energy consumption also increase. Since both fat mass and muscle mass are lost during weight loss, it is even more important to compensate for this through exercise. It is recommended to do about 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. A mix of endurance and weight training is important. Studies showed that a HIIT workout (high-intensity interval training) is particularly good for the metabolism, as the afterburn effect is strongest here compared to other sports.

7. Get enough iron

If too little iron is available to the body, our energy drops rapidly, we feel tired, listless and unmotivated - and exactly the same applies to our metabolism. Meat, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, legumes or pistachios should therefore be a regular part of the diet in order to replenish the body's iron stores and have enough energy available. The mineral also supplies the mitochondria of the cells with oxygen, which in turn allows them to produce more energy. This in turn can be optimally used for the metabolism, and the body also feels fit and alert.

8. Use coconut oil

Coconut oil contains more medium-chain fatty acids than most oils. Medium-chain fatty acids can stimulate the metabolism more than long-chain fats (such as in butter). According to a study, the basal metabolic rate is increased by as much as twelve percent, while long-chain fats were only able to stimulate it by four percent.

According to these studies, it can therefore be beneficial to use coconut oil more often.

Nevertheless, coconut oil should only be enjoyed in moderation, as the ratio of fatty acids in it is unfavorable: the proportion of saturated fatty acids is 90 percent. These can increase the risk of lipometabolic disorders as well as cardiovascular diseases and even breast cancer.

Your body, your choices

Less than 30% of all diseases can be explained purely by genetics. For the rest, the cause lies in a mixture of external factors. Through healthy behaviors, mindful living, a healthy diet and taking enough vitamins & minerals, you have an important impact on your well-being every day.