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Article: The incredible gut-brain connection

The incredible gut-brain connection

The incredible gut-brain connection

Have you ever heard that the gut is also called the second brain? Whether it's butterflies in your stomach or feeling like your stomach is tied in knots, you've probably experienced a situation where your gut is trying to tell you something. Experts have been investigating the gut-brain connection for years, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the gastrointestinal tract and the brain communicate with each other.

Our digestive system influences how we think, feel, and act. The communication between the gut and the brain is intense and, most importantly, reciprocal. The gut receives instructions from the brain and also sends signals back to it. But how exactly does this work?


How Does the Communication Between Brain and Gut Work?

The communication between the gut and the brain is complex. We have about 100 million nerve cells in our digestive tract that send signals back and forth between the brain and the gut via the vagus nerve, a kind of nerve highway. Surprisingly, 90% of the communication comes from the gut, and only 10% comes from the brain.

And here’s something to pay special attention to: Where do you think 90% of the happiness hormone, serotonin, is produced? That's right! In our intestines. Serotonin ensures that our brain receives a signal of happiness, highlighting the importance of serotonin and gut health in our overall well-being.


The Important Role of the Gut Flora and Bacteria

The gut microbiota also plays a crucial role in this communication. The bacteria in the gut are in intensive exchange with the intestinal mucosa, forming various substances that send information to the brain. These gut bacteria can influence memory, emotions, and even regulate the perception of stress. The influence of gut flora on the brain is profound, as it impacts our emotions, thoughts, and cognitive performance throughout life.

This interaction between the gut and brain influences our mental health, making the health of the gut flora vital for brain function. A healthy gut can contribute to mental well-being by sending positive signals via the gut-brain axis. In fact, the gut is home to about 70% of our immune cells, which are essential for gut-brain communication. If the immune system is weakened, cognitive and memory performance can suffer.


Probiotics for Mental Health

Probiotics have shown a significant impact on brain performance. While research with mice is still early, studies with human subjects are also promising. For example, the administration of specific probiotics, such as Lactobacteria and Bifidobacteria, has been shown to positively influence mental health. In one study, 64% of irritable bowel patients who suffered from anxiety disorders or depression reported an improvement in their psychological symptoms after taking Bifidobacterium longum for six weeks.

The connection between the microbiome and mental health is still being explored, but it’s clear that a diverse population of "good" bacteria in the gut is beneficial. We recommend incorporating our high-quality probiotic complex into your daily routine. It contains 30 different healthy bacterial strains. With 120 billion CFU per daily dose, our Premium Probiolac is one of the most effective and diverse bacterial complexes currently available.

How to Improve Gut Health Naturally

Supporting a healthy gut-brain connection goes beyond just taking probiotics. Here are some additional tips to improve gut health naturally:

  • Engage in daily exercise
  • Reduce stress
  • Maintain a healthy, varied diet
  • Drink enough water each day
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly

Gut Over Head

The gut and gut flora play a huge role in our overall health and well-being. But not only that! The central health organ, the gut, is in constant contact with the brain via the gut-brain axis. Remember, 90% of the information is sent from the gut to the brain and only 10% from the brain to the gut. Pay attention to maintaining a healthy intestinal flora and support your gut with probiotics, stress reduction, and a healthy lifestyle. Your gut has a significant influence on your emotions and cognitive abilities, making it essential to nurture this connection.

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