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Men's Health - Vitamins & minerals for men

February 21, 2023 5 min read

Men's Health -  Vitamins & minerals for men

Some men take better care of their cars than of their own bodies. They only start to think seriously about their health when the vitality starts to weaken. 

Do you also belong to this group? Then it's high time to change something in your life!

Many typical illnesses in a man's life can be avoided with healthy dietary and lifestyle measures and preventive checkups. 

If you pay attention to your body, you will live healthier and better. 

To do something good for your health, you don't have to change your entire lifestyle. Rather, it's the small but continuous changes that have a big impact.

Vitamins and minerals also play an important role here. 

Find out which support from the inside - in the form of vitamins and minerals optimally adapted to the different phases of a man's life - you should include in your routine.

1. Natural support for everyday stress

Men and women are affected by everyday stress to the same extent. However, men often find it harder to admit that they need time off. 

However, overload should not be taken lightly. It is important to arm oneself against stress and strain in everyday life. 

In addition to regular relaxation sessions, you should also pay attention to the following vitamins and minerals. Because only with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals our body can remain efficient.

  • Magnesium

Constant tension can become a health problem over time. This is because the body loses more magnesium during prolonged stress. Hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are increasingly released, which, for example, accelerate the heartbeat, increase blood pressure and cause greater tension in the muscles. Due to the increased cortisol level in the blood, magnesium is increasingly filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. This is why people with a lot of stress have an increased need for magnesium.

So our tip: Watch your magnesium level! So support your body especially in stressful times by taking magnesium capsules.

  • B vitamins

B vitamins are a group of eight different water-soluble vitamins that perform unique functions. They help convert our food into energy and play an important role in various aspects of cellular metabolism. They help us stay energized throughout the day. Ie are also important for balancing mood and reducing stress, for mental clarity and concentration, for supporting the cardiovascular system and for strengthening the immune system. Studies have also shown that B vitamins help against stress.

2. Naturally support testosterone level

Already from the age of 40, the energy curve in the male sex goes downwards. Above all, the testosterone level is on the way down. Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in men and is produced in the testicles.

Reasons for the decrease in energy are the loss of muscle and bone density and fat gain due to a slowed metabolism. Of course, factors such as stress, smoking and alcohol, and obesity also play a role.  

Sport has a positive influence on testosterone levels and metabolism. Whether in the gym or outdoors, aerobic weight training supports bones and promotes health. These vitamins & minerals can increase your testosterone level:

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most popular vitamins in the world. No wonder, because research has shown that it has various health benefits and can also act as a natural testosterone booster. 

Despite its importance, most people lack vitamin D. A 12-month study found that supplementing with about 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day increased testosterone levels by about 25%.

To boost testosterone and get the other benefits of vitamin D, take vitamin D3 in capsule form. It is the most reliable way to take the vitamin. You can find our effectivevitamin D capsules here.

  • Zinc

Zinc is strongly involved in testosterone production and can increase it when taken. Testosterone improves protein biosynthesis, which allows faster regeneration and builds more muscle. The trace element ensures a faster conversion of androstenedione to testosterone, which allows for faster testosterone production. Heavy physical exertion decreases testosterone and thyroid levels. One study demonstrates an increase in testosterone levels after 4 weeks of zinc administration. Zinc deficiency can lead to poor sperm quality and infertility. Men with impaired fertility improved their hormone levels, sperm motility, and increased sperm and blood zinc concentrations by taking zinc.

Other studies also suggest that vitamins A, C and E may play a role in your sex hormone and testosterone levels.

3. Prostata

Testosterone, the best-known representative of the androgens, is also involved in the growth of the prostate. In a man's life, prostate enlargement occurs three times: the first time as an embryo, then during puberty, and finally from the age of 40. Testosterone plays a significant role in the first two.

One in two men over 50 - and almost everyone over 80 - has benign enlargement of the prostate. This chestnut-sized organ lies under the urinary bladder and surrounds part of the urethra. As it grows, it presses on the bladder and urethra. At some point, the collected urine no longer flows out completely, and frequent urination is the result. At the latest, when you have to "urinate" in the middle of the night, the small organ becomes quite annoying - and can affect your quality of life. At the latest now an "inspection" at the family doctor is due. In addition, these vitamins & minerals help:

  • Selenium

Studies have shown that consistently low serum selenium levels are associated with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. There are 20 known selenium-dependent proteins that exert important protective functions against cell-damaging oxidative processes. These proteins have a strong antioxidant effect and prevent cells from degenerating.

  • Zinc

Zinc not only hinders cancer from spreading, but also induces cell death of prostate cancer cells. Next to the pancreas, the prostate is the organ richest in zinc. Without zinc, there is no cell division, protein synthesis, growth, wound healing or immune responses.

  • Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is the most effective B vitamin in terms of prostate health. It acts synergistically with zinc and should therefore be taken together.

  • Vitamin C

Patients with prostate cancer have low levels of vitamin C in their blood. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect. High vitamin C levels prolong survival and improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

Better be safe than sorry

Do you take your car in for a regular inspection? Great! But pay at least as much attention to yourself and your health. Regular health checks, healthy routines, regular exercise and taking mineral and vitamin supplements can make all the difference. Don't wait until you have an ailment, take preventative action!