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7 foods that have an anti-inflammatory effect

November 11, 2021 5 min read

7 foods that have an anti-inflammatory effect

For sure, each of us has already experienced some kind of inflammation. 

Perhaps in some form of strep throat, intestinal illness, or insect bite. Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people, suffer from chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, rheumatism and inflammatory bowel disease. These diseases all occur due to inflammation in the body, which is the main driver of the disease process. 

We distinguish betweenacute and chronic inflammation.The difference is that in acute inflammation, a defense reaction occurs directly. For example, due to an insect bite, the skin around the bite turns red and swells. Chronic inflammations are often considered more dangerous because they have no direct trigger or at least they don't get recognized for a long time. If inflammation continues unnoticed in your body for a long time, it will weaken your immune system long-term. Depending on the type and size of the inflammatory source, inflammatory processes can even damage organs. 

But how can you recognize chronic inflammation? And above all: How can you counteract inflammation yourself? In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about inflammation in your body. 

Let's get started! 

How does inflammation occur?

Inflammation is one of our body's natural defense mechanisms. Our immune system checks everything that enters our body from the outside. If it classifies an intruder as harmful, the immune system reports danger and the defense immediately becomes active. Its goal is to eliminate danger as quickly as possible. If the immune defense is fast and strong enough, we remain healthy and hardly feel anything from the defense process. 

However,if the immune system is weakened or the germs are very persistent, we get sick. For example, when you catch a cold virus, your mucous membranes in the nose and throat start to swell, you get a cold, become hoarse and have difficulty swallowing. These reactions are clear signs that the immune system is fighting for you right now. With an inflammation of the mucous membrane it keeps the viruses from further damaging the tissue. Chronic inflammations, in contrast to acute inflammations, are difficult to recognize. They usually proceed silently. Even if you don't notice anything for a long time, the immune defense is constantly in action, which is extremely energy consuming. 

 After a certain time, the first symptoms may appear, such as: 

  •    Tiredness 
  •    Fatigue 
  •    Susceptibility to infections 
  •    Diseases such as overweight (obesity) and diabetes 
  •    Digestive problems 
  •    Discomfort in the joints 
  •    Headaches 
  •    Depressive moods 

It is not uncommon for chronic diseases to be diagnosed on the basis of these non-specific symptoms, which initially show a mild progression. 

How to counteract inflammation in the body? 

Nowadays it is known that the rapid increase of these diseases is mainly due to the modern lifestyle. In today's world, the body has to deal with more and more stresses and stimuli that promote inflammatory processes. In a study conducted in the Netherlands, it was found that stress, a poor diet and other unfavorable lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption can help to ignite chronic inflammatory diseases and keep them alive in the long term. 

These factors promote inflammation: 

  •    Stress 
  •    Poor diet 
  •    Lack of sleep 
  •    Smoking 
  •    High alcohol consumption 
  •    Abdominal fat 
  •    Not cured infections 
  •    Metals, titanium 
  •    Solvents 
  •    Plasticizers (e.g. in plastics) 

In fact, studies show that diet has a significant impact on the frequency and severity of chronic inflammation in the body. In addition, blood tests in rheumatism sufferers often reveal deficiencies in certain micronutrients. A lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements contributes to the body's inability to function properly.Anti-inflammatory and healthy foods can help you prevent deficiencies in your diet, strengthen your immune system and reduce or even prevent inflammation

Which foods have a pro-inflammatory effect? 

If you want to prevent inflammation, you should limit your consumption of the following foods. 

  • Sugar: Whether white, brown, agave syrup or coconut blossom sugar. Sugar promotes inflammation. Be careful, because it is present in large quantities in many foods, especially processed products.
  • White flour products: People who eat a lot of products made from white flour stimulate the growth of pro-inflammatory intestinal bacteria. These can increase the risk of obesity and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, among other diseases. 
  • Trans fats:These hydrogenated fats are mainly found in fried foods, sweets and sugary baked goods. If you want to counteract inflammation, you should therefore limit your consumption of French fries, croissants and sweets.
  • Excessive meat consumption:Processed sausages and meats are also among the foods that promote inflammation. Processed meats and sausages contain so-called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). They react with cellular structures and are involved in the development of various inflammatory diseases. 

Which foods counteract inflammation? 

While many processed products promote inflammatory processes in the body, natural and fresh foods can stop existing inflammation and counteract new ones. They have certain ingredients that have particular anti-inflammatory effects. 

1. Turmeric, fennel, ginger

Essential oils turmeric, ginger and fennel contain essential oils that help against inflammation. They have been used for centuries, especially in the Ayurvedic tradition, to heal inflammation. In addition to the essential oils, the yellow pigment curcumin in turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory. OurTURMERIC COMPLEX contains natural active ingredients to promote optimal health and well-being. We recommend taking 2-6 capsules per day to benefit from the effects of anti-inflammatory curcumin.

2. Garlic and onions

The odorous sulfur compounds allicin and quercetin not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also antibacterial. Thus, they protect against infections. Raw onions are even more defensive against infections than cooked. 

3. Blueberries

The anthocyanins that give blueberries their intense color effectively inhibit inflammation. The antioxidants from the small fruits scavenge free radicals, stopping oxidative processes and protecting cells. 

4. Green leafy vegetables

Dark green vegetables like kale, spinach and chard are rich in chlorophyll. The plant pigment helps the liver to eliminate inflammation-promoting heavy metals and environmental toxins. Green leafy vegetables also contain particularly high levels of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium and iron, which strengthen the immune system. 

5. Mustard oil glycosides from arugula, cress, radish and horseradish

The mustard oil glycosides not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also have a positive influence on sugar metabolism and can thus prevent diabetes. 

6. Sauerkraut and kefir

If the ratio of beneficial and undesirable bacteria in the intestine is out of balance, the risk of developing inflammation increases. If you regularly consume probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and kombucha, you will support the balance of intestinal flora and prevent inflammation. To make it easier for you to support your gut flora, we've developed apremium probiotic formula that provides you with up to 30 healthy strains of bacteria. It supports the balance of good bacteria in your dam flora. 

7. Salmon and other fatty fish

Fatty fish like mackerel and herring are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These include eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, which are powerful anti-inflammatories. Can't manage to eat fatty fish twice a week? No problem! OurPremium Omega-3 provides you reliably with Omega 3. You are vegetarian or vegan? Then ourVegan Omega-3 is the right choice for you. Make sure to take omega-3 regularly for a healthy lifestyle.

Be mindful of what you eat

Nowadays we are confronted with many factors such as stress, toxins from the environment and sugary foods and snacks that have a pro-inflammatory effect. But there is good news: we can decide ourselves what we let into our bodies! We can counteract inflammation in our bodies with a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables or supplements. Make sure you're taking in enough vitamins and minerals to maintain your long-term health!