Article: Body deacidification - With these 9 tips it will work!

Body deacidification - With these 9 tips it will work!
Have you ever heard of hyperacidity of the body? You probably have! But perhaps the topic seemed too complex, leading you to quickly lose interest. Here’s a fact that should reignite your curiosity:
The majority of people in our modern society suffer from hyperacidity! Yes, you might be surprised or even shocked! Understanding and addressing hyperacidity is crucial and should play a significant role in your diet.
Hyperacidity, or acidosis, results from the increasing consumption of toxic and acid-forming foods. Unfortunately, many people eat a highly acidic diet and don’t consume enough base-forming minerals. Foods such as processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meat and dairy products, and genetically modified organisms overwhelm our immune system and disrupt the acid-base balance.
The major problem is that many people are unaware of their acid-base balance and the consequences of an imbalance!
But don’t worry! We will explain everything you need to know about body deacidification and offer you helpful tips on how to deacidify your body.
What is Hyperacidity?
As the term suggests, hyperacidity means that your body has an excess of acid. While some areas in the body require acidity, others should be alkaline. Alkaline means a pH greater than 7. When the acid-base equilibrium is disturbed, hyperacidity occurs. Normally, our body's regulatory mechanisms maintain the necessary pH level, but excessive intake of acidic products can overwhelm the body's ability to neutralise them.
Acids enter the body through food or are produced by metabolic processes. They are eliminated by our excretory organs—kidneys, liver, skin, intestines, and lungs. However, modern eating habits have increased the amounts of acids and toxins in our bodies, leading to overload. Consequently, acids are deposited in various body tissues, such as connective tissue.
Regardless of lifestyle and diet, the body attempts to keep the pH level constant. If the blood becomes too acidic, it can lead to serious health issues. Continuous acid overload impairs the body's ability to regulate acids and maintain the healthy blood pH of 7.36.
What Problems Can Be Caused by Acidosis?
Acidosis, or an imbalance in the mineral ratio, can have several adverse effects. To counterbalance this imbalance, the body draws on alkaline mineral reserves, extracting minerals like calcium and magnesium from bones, cartilage, teeth, and connective tissues. Depletion of these essential minerals can lead to various health issues:
- Heartburn or acid regurgitation
- Cellulite
- Digestive problems
- Muscle tension or cramps
- Premature signs of aging
- Fatigue, headaches
- Lack of concentration
- Depressive moods
- Joint pain, muscle aches
And more serious conditions such as:
- Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Heart attack
Hyperacidity also makes it difficult to lose weight and can manifest as infections, colds, and weakened immunity.
How to Reduce Acidity Naturally?
De-acidifying your body involves adopting an alkaline diet, taking alkaline minerals, and maintaining a healthy, stress-free lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you deacidify your body or prevent hyperacidity:
1. Eat an Alkaline Diet
Our food provides both acid-forming and alkaline-forming minerals. Essential alkaline minerals include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, while sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, and silicon are acid-forming. To prevent hyperacidity, aim for a diet consisting of 70 to 80% alkaline foods and 20 to 30% acidic foods.
An alkaline diet is mainly vegetarian and includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbal teas, dairy products with galactose bacteria, sourdough bread, and cold-pressed oils.
Incorporate these alkaline foods into your diet:
- Cereals: spelt, rye, barley, corn
- Grain products: bulgur, couscous, oatmeal
- Quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat
- Legumes: lentils, beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas
- Tofu and fermented soy products: miso, tempeh
- Nuts
- Oil: sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, hemp seeds
If you are hyperacidic and wish to deacidify, consider eating about 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming foods daily. Although acidic foods should not be entirely avoided, they should be limited. Initially, avoiding acid-forming foods for 2-3 months can help kickstart a balanced diet.
2. Avoid Excessive Bad, Acidic Foods
Not all foods that taste acidic are necessarily harmful, but those high in alkaline salts bind and neutralise acids. Avoid processed and prepared foods such as:
- Sugar
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Light products
- Dairy products
- Meat
- Animal proteins
- Salt
- Soft drinks
- White flour products
- Additives in industrially produced foods (preservatives, flavour enhancers, colourants, sweeteners)
3. Reduce Your Stress
Stress hormones disrupt normal metabolism, leading to health issues such as gout, hair loss, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Reducing stress and ensuring adequate sleep are crucial. Practices like meditation can be beneficial.
4. Breathe Consciously
Our lungs are vital for acid elimination. In stressful situations, we often breathe faster and more shallowly, hindering optimal cell function. Deep breathing, as practised in yoga and meditation, enhances relaxation and acid removal.
5. Drink Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is highly alkaline once processed in the body and helps achieve a balanced pH. Start your day with a cup of hot water with a splash of lemon juice to boost digestion, reduce inflammation, and energise your morning.
6. Get Enough Exercise
Regular exercise promotes deeper breathing and sweating, which helps eliminate excess acids. Sauna sessions are also effective for flushing out acids through sweat.
7. Drink Plenty of Water
Staying hydrated supports the body's ability to eliminate acids. Opt for still water and herbal teas to aid kidney function and acid removal.
8. Try Alkaline Baths
Alkaline baths containing mineral salts, such as magnesium, calcium, and sulfur compounds, can help regulate your acid-base balance through absorption via the skin.
9. Ensure Adequate Mineral Intake
Hyperacidity is often linked to imbalances in mineral levels. Essential alkalising minerals include magnesium, calcium, sodium, and zinc. Regular supplementation can help maintain a healthy acid-base balance.
For instance, our TRIPLE ZINC supplement provides 25 mg of elemental zinc per dose, along with vitamin C, supporting normal immune and nervous system function. Our MAGNESIUM supplement offers 1496 mg of pure magnesium citrate per daily dose, contributing to muscle function, psychological function, and reduced fatigue.
Balance Your Acidity
You can rebalance your acid-base balance by adopting a healthier lifestyle, including an alkaline-based diet, regular exercise, conscious breathing, adequate sleep, and stress management. Improving these aspects will help regulate your pH and strengthen your immune system.
Our tip for you: Pay special attention to your intake of essential alkaline minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc to maintain a balanced pH and overall well-being.