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Article: The best vitamins & minerals for endurance athletes

The best vitamins & minerals for endurance athletes

The best vitamins & minerals for endurance athletes

Do you enjoy pushing yourself to the limit when it comes to sports?

If so, you are definitely a fan of endurance sports. Whether it's running, cycling, or swimming, endurance sports are incredibly important for your health and should be a key part of your exercise routine. They improve fat burning, strengthen the immune system, enhance blood count, and significantly reduce the risk of heart attack.

One thing is clear: your body can achieve better results if it has all the vitamins for endurance athletes that it needs. While healthy nutrition is essential, sometimes it’s not enough to cover all your nutritional needs. This is because endurance sports create an additional demand for vitamins and minerals, some of which are quite high. Therefore, the supply of micronutrients in endurance sports deserves special attention.

We’re here to tell you which vitamins and minerals are particularly important for endurance athletes!


1. B Vitamins

B vitamins play a crucial role in energy metabolism, making them essential for athletes. You should take vitamin B12 in particular every day, because the body cannot produce it on its own. Vitamin B12 is involved in numerous metabolic processes: cell division, blood formation, energy production, building cell membranes, forming myelin sheaths to protect nerves in the central nervous system and brain, and detoxifying homocysteine and nitric oxide. As you can see, this vitamin is a real all-rounder!

For athletes, vitamin B12 benefits include its role in the formation of red blood cells. A deficiency can lead to anaemia due to a maturation disorder of red blood cells. Symptoms of anaemia include general weakness, fatigue, and palpitations, mainly due to the reduced transport of oxygen to the organs and working muscles. Especially in athletically active people, this lack of oxygen transport particles (red blood cells) must be compensated with adequate vitamin B12.

Discover our B vitamin complex! It provides you with all the important B vitamins and supports you perfectly during training!


2. Iron

You should definitely not underestimate the importance of iron. It ensures that the oxygen we breathe in finds the fastest way to our muscles, enabling them to function optimally. Without sufficient iron, muscles do not receive enough oxygen, which can quickly become apparent, especially to competitive athletes. However, amateur athletes should also pay attention to their iron intake, as they too can have an increased iron requirement.

The more you sweat, the more iron you need to replenish, as the body loses a significant proportion of micronutrients through sweat.


3. Magnesium

No matter what sport you do, magnesium is very important. Ensure your diet is rich in magnesium or consider taking magnesium capsules to maintain your muscle function in the long term.

Top athletic performance is only possible with a good supply of magnesium. It is needed not only for the interaction of muscle tension and relaxation but also for energy and protein metabolism, and it promotes joint flexibility. The daily supply of magnesium is essential, as the body cannot produce it itself.

When the energy from our muscles is depleted, magnesium ensures that certain enzymes are released, forming energy-rich compounds again. Our muscles can only release their energy optimally when our magnesium levels are sufficiently filled.

Our Fullnesium provides you with five effective forms of magnesium, offering your muscles high-quality magnesium perfect for sports.


4. Vitamin C

Do you only pay attention to your vitamin C intake when you have a cold? Then it’s time to change that! Vitamin C has been shown to help the body absorb more iron. While most people think of vitamin C primarily for strengthening the immune system, it can do more than just that. It also protects cells from oxidative stress, which is crucial for athletes.


5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D benefits for athletes include supporting muscle function and bone health. For endurance athletes, vitamin D should be taken regularly. However, getting enough vitamin D from sunlight can be challenging, especially in areas with less sunlight or for athletes who don’t practice their sports outdoors.

Supplements can help as part of a balanced sports diet to ensure optimal intake of vitamin D. Check out our natural vitamin D and incorporate it into your health routine!


6. Calcium, Sodium, Potassium

Calcium not only ensures strong bones but also smooth muscle contraction during sports. Both magnesium and calcium deficiencies can lead to muscle cramps. Sodium and potassium are essential for regulating water balance, which is heavily stressed during endurance sports. Deficiencies in sodium and potassium can develop quickly through sport, as these minerals are sweated out in large quantities.


The More You Train, the Greater Your Nutrient Needs

Sports are physically and mentally demanding, requiring both physical strength and concentration. This drains energy, and endurance athletes, in particular, lose many minerals when they sweat. Therefore, it’s important to eat a balanced diet and support an active lifestyle with the right supplements.

Don’t let any deficiency slow you down—improve your training with all the important vitamins for endurance athletes and minerals for sports performance!

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