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Natural support for irritable bowel syndrome

June 16, 2022 4 min read

Natural support for irritable bowel syndrome

Does this sound familiar to you: Gastroscopies, colonoscopies, lactose intolerance tests, stool tests, blood work and allergy tests?

And no concrete result could be found in any test? 

Then perhaps you also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

There are many causes of irritable bowel syndrome and many different treatments to cure it. 

Learn in this article which vitamins, minerals and other supplements can help you to get your irritable bowel under control.

What is irritable bowel syndrome? 

The term irritable bowel syndrome is used to describe various digestive complaints. Despite medical examination, usually no organic or biochemical causes can be found. Many affected persons have a long way behind them with many examinations until they finally get the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.Interestingly, about twice as many women suffer from irritable bowel syndrome as men.  

Although irritable bowel syndrome is not dangerous, it is above all stressful and drains the well-being and quality of life.


Which symptoms are typical for irritable bowel syndrome? 

There are many symptoms. There is often cramping or stabbing pain in the abdomen, as well as discomfort around bowel movements. Many people with irritable bowel syndrome have diarrhea, which can alternate with constipation, painful bowel movements, the feeling of constantly having to visit the bathroom or having only incompletely emptied the bowel. But symptoms such as bloating, belching, flatulence or a bloated abdomen may also occur. 

Symptoms can also extend across the abdomen. For example, people with irritable bowel syndrome report difficulty concentrating, nervousness, depression, fatigue, circulatory problems or sleep disturbances.

What are the causes of irritable bowel syndrome?

A common cause of irritable bowel syndrome is stress. Psychological stress has a negative effect on digestion. 

But there are many other possible causes, such as the following: 

  • Disturbances in intestinal movement:Disturbed movements of the intestinal muscles can be observed in many irritable bowel patients.
  • Leaky intestinal mucosa: When the natural intestinal barrier is disturbed, disturbances in the overall organism may occur. 
  • Disturbances in immune activity: Mild chronic inflammation in the intestinal wall can be the reason for irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • A disturbed intestinal flora: Over 1000 species of bacteria colonize our intestines. The balance of bacterial species is closely intertwined with our health, well-being and digestion.
  • Psychological influences: Stress, nervousness, anxiety. Our intestine is a sensitive sensor that can be influenced by psychological upsets.
  • Lifestyle: Our eating culture and diet, possible food intolerances and poor food hygiene are also among common causes.


Tips to soothe the irritable bowel

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and often deal with a nervous bowel, these tips may help:

  • Take enough time when eating and eat slowly
  • Eat many small portions rather than a few large ones so as not to overload your stomach
  • Avoid very hot and very cold foods 
  • Avoid hearty meals in the evening 
  • Drink enough water or herbal teas
  • Avoid sugary and carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee


What supplements can help you with irritable bowel syndrome?

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, you should make sure to eat a healthy and light diet.

Certain vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and intestinal bacteria can help relieve your symptoms and promote your well-being. 

Pay attention to the following nutrients:


A disturbed intestinal flora is an important risk factor for irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics contain various good microorganisms that colonize the intestine and deprive pathogenic germs of nutrients. In this way, they prevent pathogens from multiplying. In addition, probiotic microorganisms increase the immune defense. They strengthen the barrier function of the intestine and make it harder for bacteria to invade the body. Probiotics balance the intestinal flora and thus promote a healthy intestinal wall. OurPremium Probiolaccontains 30 different strains of good bacteria and is a great natural support for an irritable bowel. 

Vitamin D

You should also make sure you have a good supply ofvitamin D. Why a good supply of the vital vitamin for irritable bowel syndrome patients Scientists at the University of Sheffield determined what role a vitamin D deficiency can play in the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Namely, they found that the majority of subjects with IBS had vitamin D deficiency. In addition, an association was found between vitamin D levels and quality of life, which was measured by the extent to which the symptoms of IBS had an impact on the daily life of the affected person. 


Among many other positive health effects,omega-3 also ensures healthy intestinal flora. It counteracts inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and supports the diversity of the intestinal flora. A high diversity, i.e. a high number of different intestinal bacterial strains, indicates a very good condition of the intestinal flora. Studies have found that the more omega-3 is consumed, the higher the diversity of the intestinal flora. We recommend 2 capsules of ourPremium Omega-3.


B vitamins play a major role in energy production and cell division. In the intestine, this is particularly important because the cells of the intestinal mucosa naturally divide very frequently. An adequate supply of B vitamins also ensures that intestinal damage can heal.

Vitamin B2 provides antioxidant cell protection. An investigation of several studies shows that irritable bowel patients did not consume sufficient amounts of vitamin B2 in their diets, among other things.

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in many metabolic processes, including the building of cellular protein. A deficiency of vitamin B6 leads to loss of appetite and diarrhea. 

Vitamin B12 is needed, for example, for cell division and nerve function. Vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in inflammatory bowel diseases.


Try to cure your irritable bowel naturally

There are many causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Stress, genetic factors and a disturbed intestinal flora, for example, could be behind it. As with all health problems, it is first important for you to find out what the reason for your irritable bowel is. So first, get a checkup from a doctor.

Plus, you can support your gut with natural supplements. Probiotic bacteria can help you rebalance the intestinal flora and improve the condition and activity of the intestinal wall. Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins are also important nutrients in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Otherwise, make sure to reduce stress and lead a healthy lifestyle.