When is it advisable to take supplements?
There's no question about it: eating healthy is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and supplements can't replace it. However, it is a real challenge to get all the nutrients essential for the body every day. Many factors, such as a stressful everyday life, a demanding lifestyle, or simply not having time to absorb all the important vitamins and minerals through diet, can make this difficult.
There are several reasons why incorporating supplements into your active lifestyle can be beneficial. Discover 5 reasons why you might consider adding supplements to your routine.
1. Cravings Caused by Western Diets
Our Western dietary style ensures that we don’t starve ourselves—our food provides enough energy. However, the bad news is that we are often deficient in micronutrients. The body's response to this deficiency can manifest as cravings. For example, cravings for chocolate can be due to a magnesium deficiency. When you don't consume enough magnesium, your body draws on stored reserves, leading to cravings for magnesium-rich foods like chocolate. Therefore, cravings for sweets might not only be due to poor sugar intake but also from nutrient deficiencies.
2. Healthy Diet Contains Fewer Nutrients Than Before
It’s been noted that fruits and vegetables contain fewer nutrients today than in the past. This is largely due to depleted soils, which results in lower nutrient content in produce. The use of artificial fertilisers, pesticides, and the practice of monoculture exacerbate the problem. Even if you buy healthy food, it is not guaranteed that it contains all the nutrients you need. For instance, an orange today has less vitamin C than it did 50 years ago. This is why supplements can be useful in bridging the nutritional gap.
3. Eating a Truly Balanced Diet is Difficult
The stress factor in modern life is enormous. With high job demands, personal responsibilities, and the need to stay fit, it is estimated that only 2% of people achieve a truly balanced diet. Our food often contains too many refined carbohydrates and saturated fats, while being low in essential vitamins, minerals, and protein. This imbalance can lead to fatigue and even weight gain. A healthy lifestyle is crucial, but it's not always feasible to maintain a perfectly balanced diet. Supplements can provide valuable support, making it easier to achieve your health goals.
4. Stress Influences Our Digestion
Do you often suffer from stress? Stress can significantly impact your digestion and nutrient absorption. When stressed, your body releases cortisol to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. Chronic stress can impair digestion, leading to poor nutrient absorption and resulting in deficiencies. To counteract this, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential. With physical and mental stress, our bodies need additional nutrients to function optimally. Supplements can help meet these increased nutritional needs.
5. You Don’t Get Enough Sun
If you live in a place where the sun doesn’t shine year-round, it can be challenging to produce enough vitamin D naturally. Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining normal muscle function, immune system health, and bone and teeth health. During winter or in less sunny climates, you might be at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplements can be an effective way to ensure you get enough of this essential nutrient, especially if sun exposure is limited.
Give Your Body the Best Support
An active and healthy lifestyle requires a substantial amount of essential nutrients. Even with an optimal diet, it can be challenging to meet these needs consistently. Supplements are a practical solution to support your body and fill any nutritional gaps.
Our supplements are made from natural, high-quality ingredients. While it's essential to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and stay hydrated, adding supplements to your routine can further enhance your health. You decide how much care you want to give your health, but supplements can be a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle.