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Body deacidification - With these 9 tips it will work!

June 10, 2021 6 min read

Body deacidification - With these 9 tips it will work!

Have you ever heard of hyperacidity of the body? 

You probably did! But maybe the topic seemed too complex to you, so you quickly lost interest. 

But this fact should awaken your interest again:  

The majority of people in our modern society suffer from hyperacidity! 

Yes, now you may be surprised or even shocked! The topic of hyperacidity is enormously important and should play an important role in your diet. 

Hyperacidity or acidosis is caused by the increasing consumption of toxic and acid-forming foods. Unfortunately, many people eat a very acidic diet and don't get enough base-forming minerals.

Through foods such as processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meat and dairy products and hidden genetically modified organisms, we overwhelm our immune system and cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance.

The big problem is that many people are not even aware of their acid-base balance and what consequences an imbalance can bring!

But please don't worry! We will explain to you everything you should know about body deacidification and give you helpful tips on how you can deacidify your body. 

Hyperacidity - what exactly is that?

Yes, you guessed it right! So, as the term already implies, when you have hyperacidity, your body literally has too much acid. While there are certain areas in the human body that need to be acidic, there are also areas that should be alkaline. Alkaline means that the pH is greater than 7. 

If this acid-base equilibrium is imbalanced, hyperacidity occurs. Normally, our body's own regulatory mechanisms take care of maintaining the necessary pH level. But, when too many products that react acidically enter the body, our bodies are no longer able to neutralize them.

Acids are therefore either absorbed through food or are produced by metabolic processes in the body. They are later eliminated by our excretory organs (kidneys, liver, skin, intestines and lungs). Over the years and with the changes in our modern eating habits, the amounts of acids and toxins in our bodies have multiplied. Our organism is completely overloaded with them and can't manage to eliminate them. The consequence: our bodies deposit the acids in various places in the body, for example in the connective tissue. 

Regardless of lifestyle and diet, the body tries everything to keep the pH value constant. If the blood is too acidic, it can lead to serious illnesses. If the body is permanently supplied with too many acids, it loses its ability to regulate acids and it can´t help to maintain the healthy blood pH of 7.36.

What problems can be caused by Acidosis?

Acidosis is in other words an imbalance in the mineral ratio.

To neutralize this imbalance, the body reaches back to the alkaline mineral stocks by extracting alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium from bones, cartilage, teeth, connective tissue, tendons and other mineral-rich tissues. 

Due to the depletion of important mineral depots different degrees of health problems can occur: 

  • heartburn or acid regurgitation
  • cellulite
  • digestive problems
  • muscle tension or cramps
  • premature signs of aging
  • fatigue, headaches
  • lack of concentration
  • depressive moods
  • joint pain, muscle aches

As well as serious consequences such as:

  • arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • high blood pressure
  • stroke
  • heart attack

Hyperacidity of the body also makes it difficult to lose weight and often shows signs such as infections, colds and weakened immunity.

How do I find out if I am hyperacidic?

You can use test strips from the pharmacy to measure the pH in your urine - it should be around 6.5. Since the value varies due to the food consumed during the day, you should measure the value in the urine five times a day at the same time for five days. This will give you a valid result. If the values are below 6.5, you are over acidified. 

However, the most accurate way to determine acidity is through a blood test. If the results are normal and yet, we are tired and feel bad, it may be related to acidity. A careful analysis of what we eat can also help us.

9 tips for your body deacidification

You can de-acidify your body by eating a certain diet, taking alkaline minerals and living a healthy, stress-free lifestyle. Learn a few tips that you can use to either deacidify your body or prevent deacidification as a precaution. 

 1. Eat an alkaline diet

In addition to carbohydrates, proteins and fats, our food also provides valuable minerals. Some of these are acid-forming and others are alkaline-forming.

Essential alkaline minerals are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Acidic ones are sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, fluorine, iodine and silicon. The body needs both basic and acidic minerals. Each individual mineral fulfills vital tasks. 

To prevent hyperacidity, it is recommended that the diet consumed consist of 70 to 80% alkaline foods and 20 to 30% acidic foods. 

An alkaline diet is mainly vegetarian, with plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbal teas, dairy products with galactose bacteria, sourdough bread and cold-pressed oil.

Integrate the following alkaline foods into your diet:

  • Cereals: spelt, rye, barley, corn.
  • Grain products: Bulgur, couscous, oatmeal.
  • Quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat
  • Legumes: lentils, beans, soybeans, chickpeas, peas
  • Tofu and fermented soy products: Miso, Tempeh
  • Nuts
  • Oil: sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, hemp seeds

If you have found out that you are hyperacidic and want to deacidify, you should change your diet: Make sure that you eat about 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming foods daily. However, acidic foods should not be completely avoided, as they are also important sources of protein such as legumes. As an introduction to a balanced diet rich in bases, it might help to completely avoid acid-forming foods for 2-3 months.

2. Avoid too much bad, acidic foods

The taste of food does not reveal whether it is acidic or alkaline. It has to do with a food's ability to bind and release hydrogen atoms. Foods that have a high content of alkaline salts bind and neutralize acids. 

We recommend avoiding processed and prepared foods such as:

  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • caffeine
  • nicotine
  • light products
  • dairy products
  • meat
  • animal proteins
  • salt
  • soft drinks
  • white flour products
  • additives in industrially produced foods (preservatives, flavor enhancers, colorants, sweeteners)

3. Reduce your stress

The production of stress hormones brings normal metabolism out of balance. 

People who deal with stress at work or at home often suffer from a number of health problems such as gout, hair loss, insomnia and high blood pressure. That's why stress reduction and adequate sleep are enormously important for you. Meditating is recommended, which brings us directly to the next tip....

4. Breathe consciously

Our lungs are the most important organ for acid elimination. In stressful situations we often unconsciously breathe faster than usual. If someone breathes permanently shallowly, the cells cannot work optimally. The more intense the breathing, the greater the capacity of the system and the more relaxed we become. That is why in yoga and meditation we concentrate on a deep inhalation and exhalation.

5. Drink lemon juice

Lemon is extremely alkaline when processed in the body. It has the property of bringing a perfect pH balance, with tremendous detoxification qualities. Make it a habit to start your day by taking a cup of hot water with a big splash of lemon juice! This will make your blood more alkaline while still boosting your digestion, reducing inflammation and pain. Lemon juice gives you an awesome energy kick in the morning!

6. Get enough exercise

Regular exercise also helps the body to deacidify. During exercising we not only breathe more intensely and deeply, but also sweat. In this way, we excrete excess acids through our skin. Also sauna sessions are highly recommended because the body flushes out acids through sweat. 

7. Drink a lot of water

Help your body to eliminate acids by drinking plenty of water. The body needs enough fluids to flush the acids out of the body. Still water and herbal teas are best for supporting the kidneys.

8. Alkaline baths

Special alkaline baths can also help to deacidify the body. They contain mineral salts found in hot springs - magnesium, calcium, sulfur compounds, etc. In this process, the body absorbs the minerals dissolved in the water through the skin and thus regulates its acid-base balance.

9. Make sure to take enough minerals

As you have already learned, hyperacidity is an imbalance in the mineral ratio.

Alkalizing minerals include magnesium, calcium, sodium and zinc, for example. By taking supplements regularly, you can help your body balance a healthy acidic balance long term.

Zinc also contributes to normal immune system function, nervous system function and normal cognitive function. Discover ourTRIPLE ZINC, which contains 25 mg of elemental zinc per dose, plus vitamin C, from a natural source of acerola fruit, which contributes to normal immune and nervous system function.

OurMAGNESIUM  is also a great choice if you want to prevent acidosis. It contains 1496 mg of 100% pure magnesium citrate per daily dose and contributes to normal nervous system function, muscle function, psychological function, reduction of fatigu

Balance your acidity

We can rebalance our acid-base balance by changing our lifestyle. Through an alkaline-based diet, supported by exercise, conscious breathing, fresh air, adequate sleep, and avoiding stress. Improving our lifestyle will help rebalance pH and strengthen the immune system.

Our tip for you: Pay special attention to the intake of essential alkaline minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and zinc.