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Healthy aging - 6 tips to stay fit and healthy as you age

March 07, 2023 6 min read

Healthy aging - 6 tips to stay fit and healthy as you age

When we look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning, we usually don't see any difference in our face compared to the day before. But when we look at old photos of ourselves, we immediately see how young and different we looked back then. And unfortunately, it is not only the external changes that occur with the years, but there are other side effects from aging:  more aches and pains, poorer memory, less resilience, vitality and mobility.

No matter how old you are right now and what age-related ailments you have already noticed in your own body, we all have to accept that we are getting older and adapt to our age. The question we should be asking ourselves is: What is the best way to live to ensure health and happiness as we age?

Happily, most of us no longer have to age in the same conditions as our parents or grandparents. Nowadays, medical care for age-related diseases is a lot better and we have more information and knowledge about what is really healthy.

In addition, many people are eating better these days and we have access to supplements that can have a positive impact on our health and help us meet the challenges of aging.

As a result, we are seeing more and more people looking fit and young even in old age. The famous American doctor, Andrew Weil, who is an advocate of alternative medicine, speaks in his book "Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being" about 12 ways that everyone can do to age healthy.

In this article, you will learn 6 of his tips that you can do to stay fit and healthy as you age.

1. Pay attention to an anti-inflammatory diet


If you want to be healthy even in age, it is essential to pay attention to your diet. A diet that prevents inflammation and thus reduces the risk of age-related diseases is highly recommended. Your menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, nuts, among others. Foods that promote inflammation are, for example, sugar, white flour, meat and trans fats. These should be avoided as much as possible.  Processed foods and convenience foods should also be eliminated from your diet.

Also, watch your calorie intake and include carbohydrates, fats and proteins in your meals.

2. Use nutritional supplements

To make sure that your body gets all the vitamins and minerals it is a good idea to take some supplements.

To age healthily, it is especially recommended taking curcumin and omega 3.

Turmeric has been used in Ayurveda, the ancient medical system of India, for centuries. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and has been shown to have properties that have a positive effect on aging, mainly because of its anti-inflammatory effect.

As we age, cellular senescence occurs in the body. Cellular senescence means that cells stop dividing. It is considered to accelerate aging and disease progression.

Curcumin activates certain proteins that can help delay cellular senescence and promote longevity.

Omega-3 is also incredibly important and is often not integrated into the daily diet in sufficient amounts. If you're not eating fatty fish at least twice a week, taking supplements is recommended.

Omega 3 can contribute to normal brain, eye, and heart function, which is obviously of particular decision for healthy aging.

To ensure adequate levels of curcumin and omega 3, we at Aavalabs have developed two products that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine:

The curcumin complex, which can promote your holistic well-being. To increase the effectiveness of our formula, we have added a natural black pepper extract that contains the active ingredient Piperine for effective absorption of turmeric in the body.

High quality concentrated omega-3 fish oil to support a healthy lifestyle.

3. Move regularly

"A rolling stone gathers no moss" is a common saying that has a lot of truth to it.

Regular exercise in everyday life has been proven to contribute to health in old age and a better physical and mental well-being. It improves coordination, agility and balance. For this reason, regular physical activity has numerous positive effects on age-related limitations and diseases.

It is not necessary to achieve a high level of athletic performance. The most important thing is that you enjoy the exercise. Endurance forms of exercise are recommended, such as walking, cycling and running at least two to five days a week for at least 30 minutes. To supplement this, you should add strength training to activate relevant muscle groups on a regular basis and engage in sports that promote agility and balance.

In addition, even small active activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, have a big impact on your health.

4. Get enough rest and sleep

Aging is associated with numerous health problems, including, often sleep problems. It is quite normal for our sleep patterns to change as we age. Among these, there may be changes in the quality and duration of sleep.

Many of these changes occur due to changes in the body's internal clock and changes in the production of hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol.

A good night's rest is essential for healthy aging, no matter how old you are right now. After all, sleep is a time to rest and rejuvenate our minds and bodies after a long day. We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping and the quality of sleep is an important factor in overall health and well-being, especially for older adults.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, people over the age of 65 should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. That's because getting the rest they need can help them stay physically and mentally healthy as they age.

Other reasons to make sure you get enough sleep and the best quality are as follows:

  • Good sleep lifts your mood
  • Lack of sleep increases the risk for serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
  • Restful sleep supports metabolism and immune system
  • Good sleep improves concentration and memory
  • During sleep, toxins and debris are removed from the brain

5. Learn to cope with stress

Studies show that prolonged stress has a negative impact on life expectancy. People who are exposed to stress over a longer lifespan often have a higher biological age than would correspond to the number of years they have lived. Some people even have to experience it first-hand: After an extended period of stress, they suddenly appear to have aged several years. This is not just a subjective feeling, but actually physiologically verifiable.

Good stress management can help you live a longer and healthier life.

With a few tips, you can learn to manage stress better:

  • Identify the source of stress: To figure out what you can do about stress in your life, it is essential to first figure out what exactly is causing the stress. This is not as easy as it sounds. While it's easy to identify big sources of stress, like a new job or a divorce, it can be more complicated to find the sources of chronic stress. To identify the true sources of stress, take a close look at your habits and your attitudes.
  •  Avoid unnecessary stress: If you have a clear overview of all the stressors in your life, you'll be surprised how many you can eliminate from your life.
  •  Learn to say "no": Whether in your personal or professional life, know your limits. Say "no" to the things that only cause you unnecessary stress.
  • Avoid people around you who stress you out: If someone is constantly causing stress in your life, reduce the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship.
  • Shorten your to-do list: Take a closer look at your responsibilities and daily tasks and cross out things that aren't really necessary.

6. Train your mind as well as your body

Besides physical exercise, you should also train your memory and brain regularly. Possibilities for this are for example: crossword puzzles, learning languages, meditation, reading books, etc.

It is true that healthy aging is also to a certain percentage genetically determined and we can only have a limited influence on it. However, we can have a positive influence on non-genetic factors through a healthy lifestyle.

Therefore, pay attention to a healthy diet, the intake of all important vitamins and minerals, sufficient exercise and a high quality of sleep.

Eliminate unnecessary stress from your life and challenge your memory and brain regularly.

What are you doing to age healthy?