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6 common nutrient deficiencies & their symptoms

March 30, 2023 4 min read

6 common nutrient deficiencies & their symptoms

Each nutrient has its own function in the body, they provide energy and are crucial for your well-being. 

When the body is not supplied with sufficient nutrients, deficiencies occur, which can limit processes and functions in the body. The symptoms of a deficiency are very different and vary depending on the nutrient.

We explain which 5 nutrient deficiencies are particularly common and what typical symptoms they have.

When do nutrient deficiencies occur?

Our bodies need many different vitamins & minerals. They are crucial for your health, well-being and development. These vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients. And because the body can't make them itself, they have to be taken in through food.

Nutrient deficiencies occur when the body does not absorb or receive the necessary amount of certain substances from food. Such deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems. These include, for example, digestive problems, skin diseases, poor bone growth and even depression.

Let's take a closer look at five different nutrient deficiencies.


  1.  Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is essential for bone and tooth structure and is involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions. Many vital processes in the body cannot take place without magnesium in the body. The body needs it for protein synthesis, muscles, energy metabolism, functions in cell division, the psyche and the function of the nerves.

The mineral content of soils has decreased significantly in recent years, especially magnesium. As a result, foods contain less magnesium and it is very difficult to meet the magnesium requirement through food.

Common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

  • Muscle spasms 
  • Muscle twitching
  • Tiredness & fatigue
  •  Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Digestive problems
  • Circulatory problems

If you take magnesium in capsule form, make sure that you choose organic magnesium compounds. They are more soluble and can therefore be better absorbed by your body.


  1.  Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is made in your skin when you are exposed to sunlight. Since the sun does not shine all year round in many places in the world, vitamin D deficiency is very common worldwide.

Actually, vitamin D is strictly speaking a hormone. The body needs it to absorb calcium and phosphorus into the bones. It also maintains dental health, supports muscle formation and maintenance, and strengthens your immune system.

Age, skin colour and exposure to sunlight affect your vitamin D balance.

Common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone loss
  • Increased risk of bone fractures

It is advisable to take a high-quality food supplement. This is especially important in winter, when our skin can hardly produce vitamin D from the sun.


  1.  Vitamin B12 deficiency 

Vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly common among vegetarians and vegans. But a deficiency can also occur in people who eat meat, because the absorption of the vitamin decreases with age. Vitamin B12 is involved in various metabolic processes, such as blood formation, cell division, the maturation and regeneration of nerve cells and the function of the nervous system.

Since the human body cannot produce vitamin B12 itself, it must be ingested with food. Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods, especially in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are: 

  • Muscle weakness
  • Hair loss 
  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Paralysis symptoms


  1.  Iron deficiency

Iron belongs to the essential minerals and is an essential component of the red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the cells with haemoglobin. Iron deficiency is very common, especially in young and menstruating women, children and pregnant women.

An iron deficiency reduces the amount of red blood cells, which means that less oxygen can be transported through the body.

Common symptoms of iron deficiency are:

  • Fatigue
  • General weakness
  • Weakened immune system
  • Impaired brain function

Especially with a plant-based diet, it is important to consciously eat more iron-rich foods.


  1.  Calcium deficiency

Calcium is an important mineral for bones and teeth. Without calcium, our heart, muscles and nerves could not function.

The calcium concentration in the blood is kept constant and the excess amount is stored in the bones. As soon as too little calcium is taken in through food, the calcium reserves from the bones are used.

Common symptoms of calcium deficiency are:

  • Dry skin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heart problems
  • Bone decalcification
  • Osteoporosis
  • Reduced mobility
  • Increased susceptibility to bone fractures

  1.  Omega-3 deficiency

Omega-3fatty acids belong to the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Important omega-3 fatty acids in food are EPA and DHA.

These fatty acids keep the shells of our cells supple and form an important part of your cell membranes. They are important for the production of certain messenger substances, strengthen the immune system and help ensure that the lungs and cardiovascular system function properly.

Because they also have an anti-inflammatory effect, they help to counteract chronic inflammation. 

Fish and seafood are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which the body can use well. An imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids can also be the cause of a deficiency.

Common symptoms of omega-3 deficiency are:

  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Eczema
  • Inflammations
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • Dry eyes and/or impaired vision
  • Concentration and growth disorders in children

Don't wait until you have one of the deficiencies

It can be difficult to maintain a balanced diet in the stress of everyday life to ensure you get all your essential vitamins & minerals. However, you should make yourself and your wellbeing your absolute priority. Our supplements support your healthy lifestyle and are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Don't wait until you have one of the deficiency symptoms!