Healthy Aging

5 Ways To Boost Natural Collagen Production
Did you know that natural collagen production decreases from the age of 25? At this point, the skin is 80% collagen, which is why it remains youthful and firm. However, after the age of 30, the ef...
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Healthy aging - 6 tips to stay fit and healthy as you age
When we look at ourselves in the mirror every morning, we often don't notice any difference from the way we looked the day before. However, when we compare ourselves with old photos, the changes be...
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7 tips to reduce water retention
Sunshine, long evenings, and good mood! Summer has finally arrived! For many people, however, the warm temperatures also mean swollen legs, fingers, and arms. This is usually due to water retention...
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Important nutrients in menopause - for men & women
Sooner or later, we will all experience it: menopause! Both men and women go through this phase, although in different ways. For women, menopause occurs as the ovaries gradually stop producing the ...
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Body deacidification - With these 9 tips it will work!
How to Reduce Acidity Naturally: Tips for Balancing Your Body's pH Have you ever heard of hyperacidity of the body? You probably have! But perhaps the topic seemed too complex, leading you to quick...
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