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9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

February 28, 2020 7 min read

9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

Are you constantly asking yourself, "Why am I so tired?" If so, you're not alone. A number of factors can affect your energy level and lead you to feel tired on a regular basis.

If you have ruled out any underlying, potentially dangerous medical conditions (get it checked with your doctor), it is advisable to take a closer look at your lifestyle.

In this blog, we show you 9 easy hacks for more energy.

Many of them are amazingly simple, completely free, and only take a few minutes to implement. Others require a little more effort but can radically improve your quality of life.

So what are you waiting for? Read the following tips and don't give fatigue a chance!

1.  Get enough sleep   

Are you sleeping well and sufficiently?

Lack of sleep is a common reason for tiredness and lack of energy. According to studies, two-thirds (67%) of UK adults suffer from disrupted sleep. Too little sleep not only causes moodiness but also leads to concentration problems.

If you often catch yourself dozing off in the middle of the day, falling into a deep sleep within a few seconds in the evening, and being "off track" during the day, you probably suffer from sleep deprivation. On average, adults need between 7 - 9 hours of sleep a day. However, people with a high need for sleep can also need up to 10 hours of sleep to feel rested and fit. So the first important question is: Are you sleeping enough?

If you want to improve your overall sleep quality, you should consider two aspects: your sleeping environment and your lifestyle. If they are not optimal, they can affect sleep quality and prevent you from feeling rested during the day.

If you have small children that makes the situation even more challenging. In most cases, it is then the offspring that determines the sleep and daily rhythm. The following applies here: Get support in time and try power napping. These are short naps of up to 20 minutes with which you can compensate for a sleep deficit and which help you to gain more energy.


2. Go for a walk 

Do you sometimes have the feeling that your head is spinning? Or do you just feel sluggish or unmotivated? In such situations, even a short walk in the fresh air can work wonders.

The exercise stimulates the blood circulation and ensures that the brain is supplied with fresh oxygen. A short digestive walk after a meal, in turn, makes you fit for the next tasks in your job. Even 10–15 minutes in the fresh air are enough to achieve a positive effect.

By the way: The positive effect is enhanced in nature. This is the result of a study conducted in Japan. So it is hardly surprising that the Japanese also use "forest bathing" as a form of therapy today. The term Shinrin Yoku was coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1982 as part of a marketing campaign.

The following positive effects of forest bathing could be observed:

  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Hypotension
  • Improved ability to concentrate
  • Has a stress-reducing and mood-lifting effect

Just try it, it actually works!


    3. Choose energy-boosting foods 

    Nutrition can have a major impact on our energy levels. If you often feel tired or find it difficult to focus (without any medical cause), it could also be due to an unbalanced or inappropriate diet.

    Hard to digest, fatty food or a lot of sugar can have a negative effect on your energy level and cause tiredness during the day. If your meal was rich in carbohydrates (white flour, sugar, sweets), this will lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Afterwards, however, the blood sugar level drops rapidly again - and that's what can make you feel tired.

    By changing your eating habits, you can directly influence your energy level. Go for a power diet with whole grain products, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and high-quality protein sources and essential fats. This one step alone can make a huge difference!

    4. Get your vitamin Bs!  

    B vitamins are often called the energy vitamins, for a reason! B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.

    The B complex includes 8 different Bs: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, B12, folate, and choline. It is impossible to say which B is most important as all compounds are essential for health.

    Besides contributing to the normal functioning of the nervous system, Bs are important for a functioning immune system and a healthy heart. The most commonly talked about vitamin in this group is probably B12. A lack of vitamin B-12 in a person’s diet can adversely affect their physical and mental health.

    That's why vegetarians and vegans must take particular care to consume enough vitamin B-12, as it is mainly found in meat, eggs, and dairy products. If you are experiencing symptoms like weakness, tiredness, or lightheadedness, you might want to get your vitamin B levels checked and add a high-quality supplement to your diet.


    5. Start moving - your way! 

    Hardly anything has so many positive effects on our body like exercise. Sport not only improves endurance and strengthens muscles and bones, it also boosts the metabolism and supplies the brain with fresh oxygen. Besides, exercise also has a positive effect on the mood and gives new energy.

    And by the way: it doesn't always have to be jogging or the gym! There are many other ways to get exercise. The important thing is that you find an activity that suits you and that you enjoy. This way you can keep your motivation up much easier and you don't have the feeling that you "have to" do something.

    Do Latin American sounds make your hips swing? Then sign up for a dance class or turn up your favorite music at home. If you are short on time, a small training session of 15 minutes is enough to raise your energy level. Just try it, it's worth it!


    6. Focus on positive things  

    We are what we think we are - this is a well-known quotation from Buddha. Or to put it another way: our energy goes where we direct our attention.

    This means that there is a connection between our way of thinking and external reality. If we constantly think things like "I can't do this" or "Life is a struggle", we will most likely experience exactly that. If we focus on positive things, the unpleasant aspects will fade into the background.

    Of course, everyone has days when everything seems to go wrong. And every person also has phases in his life that are particularly challenging. The difference lies in how we deal with a situation or how we evaluate it.

    A little exercise that can help you to change your perspective is a gratitude diary. The principle is simple: Every night before going to bed, you write down three things you are grateful for, preferably something new every day. The effect might surprise you!

    7. Cultivate and live in a positive environment


    Just as important as positive thinking is a positive environment. Sometimes people in our environment can be real energy vampires, like the colleague who is always complaining or the mother-in-law who is nagging all day...the list is long.

    If you notice that you always feel drained, tense, depressed or even aggressive around certain people, you are probably dealing with an "energy vampire". These are people who (consciously or unconsciously) try to influence other people by using various means of influence. But they can also be people who always think negatively and always see themselves as victims.

    Regardless of the individual case, people in this category have something in common: they rob you of energy unnecessarily. The solution? Avoid such people or minimize contact as much as possible.


    8. Drink enough water   

    Are you drinking enough? Water is an often underestimated elixir of life, which serves almost all important metabolic processes. If we do not drink enough, it can affect the entire organism and lead to unpleasant complaints.

    Typical signs of lack of water besides thirst and a dry mouth are lack of concentration, tiredness, headaches, dizziness, and dry skin but also pain and irritation.

    It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water daily throughout the day. It is best to start with a glass of water in the morning to ensure adequate hydration.

    Tip: Add the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon - this not only tastes refreshing but also provides you with a healthy load of vitamin C!


    9. Start your day right 

    "The early bird gets the worm" is a well-known proverb - and not without good reason! A morning routine is an excellent way to start the day with more power.

    In the morning, consciously allow time for yourself and for things that are good for you. You may have to get up a little earlier for this, but it's worth it! Stress arises mainly from the feeling of always having to be available and not having control over things. By declaring the morning hours "sacred", you can regain your strength, e.g. with yoga, meditation, or a walk with the dog.

    You will be surprised what effect a morning ritual can have on your energy.

    Take care of yourself and your body 

    As you can see, there is not ONE miracle pill against fatigue and stress, but with many little tricks and tweaks in your daily routine, you can achieve a noticeable change.

    Tiredness and lack of energy are always signals from the body that you should not ignore. If you take the time to reflect and analyze, you will quickly recognize in which areas of life your energy is dissipated or not optimally supported.